Andersen, K., It Felt Like Clownsparkles. In Interactions Volume 11, Issue 5 September + October 2004, ISSN:1072-5520 , 2004.
Czegledy, N., Second Skin. The art of smart garments. Interviews with Joanna Berzowska, Katherine Moriwaki and
Kristina Andersen. The Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts - ISEA Newsletter #96, ISSN 1488-3635 #96, March - April 2004
Andersen, K., ensemble: Playing with Sensors and Sound. In Proceedings of Computer Human Interaction (CHI 2004), Vienna, Austria. April 2004.
Andersen, K., Hacking Wireless Game-pads In Advances in Pervasive Computing, Ferscha, A., Hoertner, H., Kotsis, G. (ed.s) Austrian Computer Society (OCG), ISBN 3-85403-176-9. 2004.
Andersen, K., Investigating Prototypes through Play. In Advances in Pervasive Computing Ferscha, A., Hoertner, H., Kotsis, G. (ed.s) Austrian Computer Society (OCG), ISBN 3-85403-176-9. 2004.