publication list

Andersen, K., Paper Clip Electronics - a process of making something simple extraordinary. Edith-Ruß-Haus, pending publication 2011.

Andersen, K., Recycle-x: The Voorstraat Manual, Patching Zone, pending publication 2011.

Wilde, D., Andersen, K. Part Science Part Magic - Analysing the OWL Outcomes. In Proceedings of The Australasian Computer Human Interaction Conference (OZCHI10). Brisbane, Australia. November 2010.

Andersen, K., Wilde, D. The OWL Bodyprops Fitting Sessions. In Proc. Participatory Design Conference (PDC), Sydney, November 2010. 

Andersen, K., Nigten, A., Book chapters: Making as Research and Playing as Research. In Real Projects for Real People, Editor: Anne Nigten ISBN: 978-90-5662-797-3, 2010.

Wilde, D. Andersen, K., The OWL Project Interviews. Tangible & Embedded Interaction Conference (TEI10), Cambridge, MA. January 2010.

Wilde, D., Andersen, K., Doing things backwards: the OWL project. In Proceedings of The Australasian Computer Human Interaction Conference (OZCHI09). Melbourne, Australia. November 2009.

Andersen, K., Black Box: Exploring Simple Electronic Interaction. In Proceedings of Tangible & Embedded Interaction Conference (TEI08) Bonn. 2008.

Andersen, K., Book chapter: Developing Your Own Hardware, In Digital Artists' Handbook, 2007.

Andersen, K., Game Play and Naïve Understandings of Electronics, In Reader for Fast Machines Slow Bodies Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. 2007.

Andersen, K., Berzowska, J., Book chapter: Worn Technology: Altering Social Spaces. In Open 11 Hybrid Space, NAi Uitgevers, NL ISBN 90-5662-536-5 / 978-90-5662-536-8, 2006.

Andersen, K., Fuller, M., Nigten, A., ~worn~. In proceedings of Wearable Futures Conference - Hybrid Culture in the Design and Development of Soft Technology, University of Wales, UK. September 2005. 

Andersen, K., Playing It Out. In Reader for Wearable Turbulence Seminar at the Dutch Electronic Arts Festival (DEAF) 2004.

Andersen, K., Jacobs, M., Polazzi, L., IF ONLY: Bringing Dreams into Practice. In proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Design and Emotion, Ankara, Turkey. 2004.

Andersen, K., It Felt Like Clownsparkles. In Interactions Volume 11, Issue 5 September + October 2004, ISSN:1072-5520 , 2004.

Czegledy, N., Second Skin. The art of smart garments. Interviews with Joanna Berzowska, Katherine Moriwaki and Kristina Andersen. The Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts - ISEA Newsletter #96, ISSN 1488-3635 #96, March - April 2004

Andersen, K., ensemble: Playing with Sensors and Sound. In Proceedings of Computer Human Interaction (CHI 2004), Vienna, Austria. April 2004.

Andersen, K., Shiphorst, T., Between Bodies: using Experience Modelling to Create Gestural Protocols for Physiological Data Transfer. Computer Human Interaction CHI 2004 fringe, Vienna, Austria. April 2004.

Andersen, K., Hacking Wireless Game-pads In Advances in Pervasive Computing, Ferscha, A., Hoertner, H., Kotsis, G. (ed.s) Austrian Computer Society (OCG), ISBN 3-85403-176-9. 2004.

Andersen, K., Investigating Prototypes through Play. In Advances in Pervasive Computing Ferscha, A., Hoertner, H., Kotsis, G. (ed.s) Austrian Computer Society (OCG), ISBN 3-85403-176-9. 2004.

Andersen, K., Jacobs, M., Polazzi, L., Book chapter: Playing Games in the Emotional Space. In Funology: from Usability to Enjoyment_Blythe, M.A., Overbeeke, K., Monk, A.F. and Wright, P.C. (ed.s) Kluwer, Dordrecht, NL, 2003.

Andersen, K., Jacobs, M., Polazzi, L., Presence in the Emotional Space. In Proceedings of Presence 2002, Porto, Portugal, October 2002

Andersen, K., Jacobs, M., Polazzi, L., Faraway Project Report,, Ivrea, ,June 2002

Andersen, K., Holopainen, J., Wakkery, R., reGossip: Gossip and Multi-user Narratives. In Proceedings of cast01 Living in Mixed Realities (eds. Monika Fleischmann, Wolfgang Strauss) Bonn, FhG – Institut Medienkommunication & German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, pp. 251-254.

Andersen, K., Holopainen, J., Wakkery, R., reGossip: Playing Games at Interact 2001 In Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction - Interact'01, Tokyo, Japan. 2001. Human-Computer Interaction Interact 01 IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (ed. Michitaka Hirose), Amsterdam, IOS Press, pp. 813-814.

Andersen, K., Holopainen, J., Wakkary, R., Re:Gossip (2000). E-Culture Fair, Virtueel Platform, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Andersen, K., Using Avatars as Tools for Navigation. In Proceedings of CAiiA Consciousness Reframed - art technology and consciousness, August 2000.

Andersen, K., Holopainen, J., Wakkary, R., Re:Gossip, a Social System of Gossip (1999). Computers and Fun Conference, Bristol. UK, Interfaces (ed. Andrew Monk), No. 42 Spring 2000, pp 10-16.

In addition the FARAWAY project is described and discussed in the following books:

In the Bubble: Designing in a Complex World by John Thackara MIT Press (April 1, 2005) ISBN: 0262201577

Design Research: Methods and Perspectives by Brenda Laurel MIT Press (October 1, 2003) ISBN: 0262122634